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Management Coach

Innovative Management Solutions


Hi, I'm the Gemba Guru,
a Management Coach

Gemba is a Japanese word that translates to ‘the actual place of value’ or more simply put, where the work is done. As a Management Professional, work is being done until the objective is accomplished or concluded. Having experience in a multitude of industries, I have tailored techniques and templates that when applied to business and process management create a roadmap of measurable and meaningful objectives for the business and thereby 'Creating Value throughout the Journey.'


As a Management Coach, I provide result-driven management strategies, deliverables and tactics that enable clients to create and execute on scalable plans and processes that maximize value and the customer experience. This is provided by utilizing a reimagined Gemba Walk technique to analyze where, when and how work could or should be done differently.

Areas of Focus


There are some that consider CRM a technology, but Customer Relationship Management is a custom business methodology based on building processes around better understanding and servicing your customers. Whether B2B, B2C, a combination of both or internal clients, you will find that a CRM strategy is necessary to create and manage measurables; such as KPIs, SLAs and other metrics. At times, this includes implementing a software to automate those processes and manage the accompanying data. That software, usually, comes in the form of CRM, ERP or BI systems.

Change Management

At the root of any successful initiative; be it a company merger, technology implementation roadmap, training engagement or diversity initiative, is an effective change management strategy. Organizational Change Management employs a strategic means of gaining employee and/or user adoption of changes planned within a team or company. Enterprise-wide initiatives often require cross-functional facilitation to create systems and processes that mitigates resistance and disruption. Managing the path of change often entails utilizing various methodologies or practices to accommodate various stakeholders and address various perspectives.

Business Analysis

Business Analysis is a process of utilizing various techniques, practices and methodologies along with general know how to determine the current state of a business, its needs, process improvement paths and envision solutions. Detailed business analysis often results in deliverables such as scope statements, requirement documents, product roadmaps, system specifications and more. It typically entails interfacing with various levels of the business to perform different versions of root cause analysis, converting those findings to consumable data to a variety of stakeholders.

Areas of Focus

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is the process of strategically implementing, integrating and utilizing technology throughout the business model. Though, digital transformation is not just about the technology, it’s about designing a journey with a constantly evolving goal to drive efficiencies and positive internal and external user experiences. This entails a cross-functional alignment of resources to champion the multiple initiatives that come with this undertaking. Organizations with strong digital transformation strategies will find the benefits of being agile when market changes occur and scalable when new technological opportunities present themselves.

Portfolio Management

Though definitions very  throughout different industries, Portfolios can loosely be defined of a collection of organizational products and programs. Program and Product Management have specifically different goals and accompanying methodologies, but definite synergies exist between roles within an organization. The program and product management strategies communicate the roadmap to teams and resources throughout the organization. While a program will likely contain multiple projects, it is also likely that a product contains multiple features or versions. The ability to envision iterative approaches is key. Program and Product Management, together, are responsible for the successful implementation of the overall product portfolio.

Project Management

Project Management is the process of employing knowledge and skills, while utilizing tools and techniques to mitigate risks and control the conclusion of a defined initiative. Projects can come with definitive due dates or be iterative, because of this, there are multiple methodologies that can be utilized depending on the scope, subject matter, available resources and goals of the project. Servant leadership and communication are necessary skills when leading cross-functional teams in a project management capacity. Managing budgets, timelines, vendors, deliverables and stakeholder expectations takes strong organizing and planning skills; and subject-matter expertise is always a bonus.

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Throughout the World!

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